barcelona fc logo wallpaper

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  • fox10078
    Mar 26, 05:34 PM
    I agree with others. This is page 1 content for sure.

    This supports my theory that all this Google - Apple hate is manufactured to throw off the authorities who were starting to investigate their close ties last year. They both need each other.

    This right here has hit the nail on the head.

    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • stockscalper
    Apr 12, 01:00 PM
    No matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd.

    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • ColoJohnBoy
    May 22, 11:28 AM
    As I write this, I am sitting at my parent's old Compaq Presario 5000, with 750 MHz AMD Duron, 576 MB RAM, 30 GB Hard Drive, and 64 MB NVidia GeForce 2 card (Most of it I have upgraded myself) and running Windows XP Home. I have used PCs for about ten years now. I am familiar with them, I know exactly where to find everthing on them, how to fix everything on them.... I know how everything works, even in XP. Yet Last June, I switched to Mac. Why?

    1) Design. PC computers are just hideous. Really, they're simply not attractive to look at. The only one that comes glose is Gateway's All-In-One computer. But even that is no iMac. Apple computers really are beautiful. They're simple, graceful, and durable.

    2) Mac OS X. Like I said, I know every Windows OS inside and out, having used every iteration of it for ten years. Yet I prefer OS X. Just like the physical design of the computer, OS X is simple, graceful, and durable. What some might perceive as "dumbed down" I see as rid of the unneecessary aspects that all but a small fraction of the computer user population use. It's clear and straightforward, and never have I experienced any problems with it. I admit, it has crashed twice. But both times it was because I was trying to run a severly faulty program. That's two crashes in one year. I'm lucky if I can make it through one day without having Windows (Yes, even XP) crash twice.

    3) iApps. I've been using my parents computer lately, and looking for a good MP3 program to use while I do. I've been spoilt by iTunes. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, for PCs that works as well as iTunes. I've been using MusicMatch, but after iTunes it seems clunky, redundant, and difficult to use. Dare I say, unintuitive.

    4) Health. I have enough headaches in my life already. I don't need even the small stresses that crashes, program errors, and unintuitive programs cause. I don't stress out when I'm using my Macs. It's like electronic aspirin.

    I admit to bashing Pcs. But I must defend myself by saying that I use them enough to be entitled to such bashing. For me, Macs are better, and I bash them with good reason.

    That, and bashing PCs is just fun ;)


    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • dasmb
    Apr 5, 09:04 AM
    So I guess this means there's nothing wrong with the antenna?


    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • altecXP
    May 2, 08:26 PM
    Well style I like the unibody, but I prefer the pre-unibdy keyboard.

    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo. fc
  • arcelona fc logo. fc

  • speakerwizard
    Jan 6, 03:21 PM
    someone explain this to me.....wouldn't activating push notifications absolutely KILL my iPhone 3GS battery life?? I've never been able to figure out if push notifications are bad to turn on cause they drain battery life?


    they do a little but not to the extent of background processes, and having 20 push apps takes no more battery life than having 1, unless you get very frequent pushes from them of course.


    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • gkarris
    Apr 7, 03:08 PM
    One thing I'm looking forward to on this, is its Virtual Console. With the higher rez screen it can handle the older SNES and Genesis titles.

    Any games scheduled for it? What about NEC TG games?

    Atari's Greatest Hits the buzz on the iPhone/Touch/iPad right now... ;)

    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo 2010. fc
  • arcelona fc logo 2010. fc

  • geerlingguy
    Sep 25, 10:33 AM
    If you have a student ADC membership, and still have your hardware discount asset�you can purchase it for $99 (EDU) at the ADC Store.

    Alas, I do not.


    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo 2011.
  • arcelona fc logo 2011.

  • WigWag Workshop
    Mar 13, 04:28 PM
    No issue with my VZ iPhone

    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • Number 41
    Apr 21, 02:08 PM
    That sounds good enough to me and the millions who will buy it.

    There isn't a single added feature listed there to make it worth the extra ~$100 to get a new iPhone instead of the identical iPhone 4 at discount.


    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • RacerX
    Sep 13, 08:07 AM
    The last time I had surgery (January 2, 1986) I was knocked out via IV.

    As for what it felt like...

    They had put the IV in before I had gone into surgery, and it really wasn't that bad. When the doctor and his assistant showed up the anesthesiologist let me know that it was time.

    He ask me to start counting backwards from 100. I felt a warm sensation moving up my arm from the IV and then into my chest. A moment later I felt like I was walking out of a fog... but I wasn't, I was lying in recovery... and I got sick.

    It took a few minutes to finally become completely cognizant of my surroundings, but all and all it wasn't a bad experience. The time for the surgery was completely gone (as if it hadn't happened). It felt like (going from fully awake before the surgery back to fully awake again after) it had only taken a couple minutes (the surgery was about 4 hours as I recall).

    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 5, 08:14 PM
    I was praying that the headline was "Apple to Introduce new dock connector."

    The current dock connector SUCKS. It's way too hard to plug into, especially on the iPad 2, with it's tapered edge. It feels flimsy and I dread plugging anything into it for fear of breakage/bending of the pins.

    I was really hoping that Apple would redesign it using MagSafe as their inspiration.

    Agreed flimsy AND the cable connection always breaks at the plug parts where the cable meets the plastic.

    I wish they had options to connect the cable on the sides as well as bottom.

    also teh screened on "front" printing disappears after a while.

    So, I scratch a box around the sign. That way I can "feel" the right side in the dark.

    Apple should mold that into the plug..


    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • ConanTX
    Nov 9, 10:04 PM
    If a store's inventory uses RFID, then a retail associate could quickly locate merchandise if their iPhone was able to detect RFID signals. Walking up to a wall of jeans and being able to instantly find the size and style you need in a mess left after a big sale would be a great time saver. The employee could also take inventory just by walking through the department.

    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • mdntcallr
    Nov 21, 04:19 PM
    Wow! what a great concept.

    Pretty much like some hybrid cars getting power from when they brake.


    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • VulchR
    Nov 9, 08:13 AM
    Your concerns are understood. My question is: how does this differ from having your wallet or credit card stolen? Amazing that we'll secure our computers up tightly to prevent online security breaches but we'll let the sketchy-looking waiter walk away with our credit card in the restaurant.....

    OK - I admit that I can a certain tendency toward paranoia :o, but...

    With respect to credit cards, most eating places where I am in the UK bring a machine to the table rather than taking the card away. A PIN is required. Also, one can erase or cover the 3-digit number on the back so that you reduce the chances of your stolen card being used online. My worry is that the RFID will be so automatic ('convenient') that you'll be able to wave your phone to purchase goods or services, without any other conformation of your identity. And it is true that security so far on RFID is far from perfect: indeed, one can now purchase shielded passport covers that reduce the chance of criminal access to sensitive passport information via RFID .

    EDIT: Also, didn't O2 trial something called 'Wallet' that allowed a mobile phone to be used to buy things? I wonder how the trial turned out...

    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo 2009.
  • arcelona fc logo 2009.

  • simsaladimbamba
    Dec 12, 04:41 AM
    What about downloading a heart shape image (found via Image Search, large or bigger) and use that as mask via the WAND tool?



    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo 2011.
  • arcelona fc logo 2011.

  • DeSnousa
    May 14, 06:37 PM
    i would love it if Arn would do that!

    what is that American?

    it depends if you want to go intel or amd. also, you have to consider that the new GPU client is coming eventually, which should help ATI video cards greatly

    Australian dollars, I thought AMD just so I could afford a better GPU, maybe even a GTX285. Is ATI going to get better by a lot? I have only looked at Nvidea because of folding. I will use the rig for light gaming but would love to play WOW on High and any current games at Med with 1080 res.

    What Intel would you recommend on a budget?

    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 12, 03:50 PM
    WTF? Why does the MS Office updater force me to quit chrome ????

    Silverlight probably.

    barcelona fc logo wallpaper. arcelona fc logo wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc logo wallpaper.

  • Vertigo50
    May 2, 12:49 PM
    It's amazing what someone with the proper tool can do to actually test these kind of issues.

    I was waiting for someone to FINALLY grab a caliper and measure both devices. Game over.

    Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 26, 12:18 PM
    so who's got a tshirt then?

    I have one. Well two actually. Apologies to anyone that comes later and doesn't get one because of me taking two but I figured I was worth some kind of compensation for the people that were queue jumping. We were fighting the cause for the people behind us with the apple staff who kept letting the randoms in.

    Incidentally, they are *not* offering *any* form of student discount on Leopard here. No higher education discount and no standard discount. Full price or family pack price only.

    Apr 16, 03:39 PM
    Is it me or is Apple becoming a silly caricature of its own 1984 ad?

    If when you say silly you mean terrifying? Then yes I do... :mad:

    Apr 12, 01:04 PM
    WTF? Why does the MS Office updater force me to quit chrome ????

    Oct 10, 09:37 AM
    You know, today is tuesday.... :D

    Oct 29, 04:27 PM
    Following on from this story, apparently FoxConn will be supplying Apple with 15.4" MacBooks/MacBook Pros in May 2007.


    If it's a new 15.4" MacBook, there's a good chance it'll have dedicated graphics, otherwise what's the point? Apple certainly need more Macs with dedicated graphics in their consumer-priced range. Here's hoping!

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